Intro to Arthritis – Foods that Fight Inflammation


Today, I bring to you some information to share, about foods that fight arthritis! And not in some magical, wipe away your pain with a wand type of way. But more in a – this food doesn’t cause your inflammatory response to get thrown out of whack – type of way!

As an overarching lesson, to me, when you’re eating healthy, you don’t always feel the benefits in the short term. It takes time for your gut to adjust to specific foods. It takes repetition and consistency for your gut to figure out how to best digest specific foods. And some of the stuff on my list is a bit off the wall.

The impact of these foods are going to take time. It won’t happen overnight. But I guarantee you, when you’re in the routine of consuming foods that don’t flare you up, and you introduce some craptastic ‘food’ (see previous blog post), you’ll immediately feel the detriments of foods that cause inflammation, especially related to arthritis!

Be patient. Commit to the short term pain of passing on sugar and processed carbs. Commit to trying a different way of eating that respects your body, health and gut! Our process drives results!

And as a final note prior to diving in, I want to reiterate the importance of talking to your Doctor or a Registerd Dietitian before taking the advice of some nerdy exercise and health guru. I care about this stuff, but I don’t have the background those guys do. I think EVERYONE should want to dive deeper, but that’s kind of a pipe dream.


  • Fish : Packed with Omega – 3 fatty acids, these little swimming dudes pack a punch when it comes to decreasing your body’s inflammatory response. recommends consumption of 3-4 ounces of fish at least twice per week! Tuna, mackerel and salmon are fine choices!
  • Soy – Let’s say you hate fish. That’s cool. Try soy! In the form of tofu or edamame, soybeans also provide ample protein and fiber to get your gut screaming for more.
  • Oils – Avocado, safflower, extra virgin olive oil and walnut oil all have benefits. They’re fantastic options with properties similar to non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs! Interesting to note – walnut oil has 10 time the omega-3s that olive oil has! Stock up while it’s hot!
  • Cherries – Known to reduce the frequency of gout attacks, research has show anthocyanins found in cherries fight inflammation, which can be found in other red and purple fruits as well (blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries).
  • Dairy – Milk, yogurt and cheese are packed with calcium and vitamin D, both of which increase bone strength.
  • Broccoli – Vitamin K and Vitamin C contained within this deep green miniature tree! Researches have also found that broccoli contains sulforaphane, which can slow the progression of osteoarthritis!
  • Green Tea – Packed with polyphenols, green tea is believe dto reduce inflammation and slow cartilate destruction. Epigallocatechin-3-galate (ECGC) also is thought to block the production of molecules that cause joint damage in people with Rheumatoid arthritis. GO GREEN!
  • Citrus fruits – oranges, grapefruits and limes are all high in vitamin C. Getting these in help fight osteoarthritis!
  • Whole grains – Lower the levels of C-reactive protein in the blood. CRP is also related to heart diseas and diabetes. Foods like oatmeal, brown rice and whole-grain cereals are excellent sources!
  • Beans! – Beans and legumes also help lower C-reactive protein. They are also an excellent source of protein and fiber. So beans have folic acid, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium – all known to help heart and immune health!
  • Garlic – As an Italian dude, this one hits home. Studies have show people who ate foods like garlic, onions and leeks showed fewer signs of early osteoarthritis!
  • Nuts – Rich in protein, calcium, zinc, vitamin E and alpha linolenic acid. Heart healthy and will aid in weight loss as well! Try walnuts, pistachios and almonds!

So there you go! Foods that fight arthritis. They throw a punch at your body’s inflammatory response, quelling the response your body has to inflammation.

Please feel free to share this information with your parents, grandparents or take this info to the bank and tell your financial advisor, who guzzles down 64 ounces of coca cola before noon. His name’s Steve. Help Steve.

Ok, that’s all I got for now!

Much love, Peace like geese

Mike Goose

Published by mikeg00se

I like to adventure, paint portraits of goats and love family stuff.

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