3 Stretches to help with the Front Rack Position

Found a nice video detailing the front rack position and most common faults. Most individual’s issue in attaining a good position is thoracic spine extension as well as that shoulder mobility. Three stretches to aid in getting into the front rack position start about halfway through the video…but this guy does give some good insightContinueContinue reading “3 Stretches to help with the Front Rack Position”

A Guide to Conscious Habit

Ahoy and good day! Your daily routine. You wake up, brush your teeth and get rid of that nasty tasting morning breath. Put on some clothes after throwing the PJs in the hamper and make your way into the living room. After turning on the TV, breakfast gets prepped. You open the door to the fridge andContinueContinue reading “A Guide to Conscious Habit”

Bloodflow Restriction Training

Just got into looking into one of the components of training we used a lot at the old therapy place in Hawaii, called bloodflow restriction training.  This article places a more ‘meathead approach’ to the use of bloodflow occlusion training. The article is more specific to building muscle and hints on a different method ofContinueContinue reading “Bloodflow Restriction Training”

You ain’t Cheating, you ain’t tryin’

Had a heck of a weekend with peeps after working out together on Sunday. ‘Winners’ of the workout were Todd and Holly – who affectionately named the workout ‘ohh this cold cement feels good’ immediately afterwards. It was a great experience getting out of the 1 on 1 mode and diving into the whole ‘let’s workContinueContinue reading “You ain’t Cheating, you ain’t tryin’”