Intro to Arthritis – Exercise is the Best Medicine

Let’s start at Arthritis. Arthritis is one of those things that literally means there is swelling and tenderness in our joints. It is often accompanied with pain and stiffness. To put it simply, you wake up one day and you just sort of start feeling old. And it happens to everyone. It’s inevitable. But youContinueContinue reading “Intro to Arthritis – Exercise is the Best Medicine”

Improve Your Mobility Tenfold – Get Your Ass on the Ground

How often do we see someone squat like this in public? Chillin! It’s not something you typically see in a world run by desk jockeys and business people. Imagine being in a desk all day, typing away for eight hours at a time in a dog doodoo posture. Tight spines and hip flexors. Immovable midbackContinueContinue reading “Improve Your Mobility Tenfold – Get Your Ass on the Ground”

An Eye into my Coaching Ethos

Hey, Here’s the thing. I’m not a coach who’s going to yell at you or shame. And I think that’s because I did that to myself for years. It hurt to hear those thoughts in my head, and tear myself down. It makes me feel like I’m not good enough to feel good about who IContinueContinue reading “An Eye into my Coaching Ethos”

The PPSC and Humility

There is something positively contagious about learning something new. An impulse to open up and share new knowledge with the world. Everyone should know about X, and there is no reason you should not apply X, immediately! Flash forward to when you open your mouth and tell someone (my wife) and you come out soundingContinueContinue reading “The PPSC and Humility”

You Have Two Brains

Your body is complex. It’s a wonderful array of systems, working together to help you fulfill the needs to sustain life. The very fact that you are reading this, processing it and (hopefully) understanding these words speaks to how amazing YOU are. The various systems within your body work together to make you the personContinueContinue reading “You Have Two Brains”

I Am Lost and Don’t Know What Exercise to Do! What Type of Exercise is Best for Me?

I sit down to talk to a prospective client. “What are your goals?”, I ask. “I just want to lose weight”, they say. “Why?”, I clap back. “I’ve always been overweight and I hate exercise.” They say. It’s a common obstacle. And every single day, someone will tell me how much they hate something, don’tContinueContinue reading “I Am Lost and Don’t Know What Exercise to Do! What Type of Exercise is Best for Me?”

Where do I get my exercises from?

Not really anywhere special. Youtube. Instagram. Google. It comes from my brain and exploration of movement. Something that always bugged me is the inconsistencies in movement pattern nomenclature. And maybe that is where I need more growth. But when a Doctor tells me there is a deficit in metatarsal extension and flexion, that’s not goingContinueContinue reading “Where do I get my exercises from?”