Weight Loss and Metabolism Part 1: Nutrition for Fat Loss

Hey! Today begins a 3-part series introduction to fat loss. (Edit from the fuure: The blog gets a little long mathy/sciency, be ready to calculate some numbers to figure out what your metabolism looks like) The purpose of my focus for the next month is going to be focused on weight loss while kick startingContinueContinue reading “Weight Loss and Metabolism Part 1: Nutrition for Fat Loss”

3 Travel Workouts in 30 Minutes or less

Hey everybody, One thing that happens in life for anybody that I work with is travel. People go places. They get caught up in work. Or vacation. Or just need to get away for a little while. And it’s amazing!!! I am a huge advocate of adventure, seeing new places and travelling to far away lands.ContinueContinue reading “3 Travel Workouts in 30 Minutes or less”

Put the 400m Sprint into Your Program

400m run. It’s a doozy. It’s intense. But before I expand, check out video of this 400m relay. Amazing finish, Phil Healy takes on a soon-to-be Olympian ‘From the depths of Hell’. https://youtu.be/BVhjAXEyjMI?t=3m 400m isn’t the worst if you’re just cruising. But why would you want to just cruise, ever, when you run? You want it toContinueContinue reading “Put the 400m Sprint into Your Program”

CHOP SHOP Inaugural Workout

First workout in the Chop Shop. Died. Warmup/movement prep: 1×10 each A1 Inchworm A2 PVC Pass through A3 Bottom of squat hold Agility: 10 minutes Foot ladder drills – in/out, forward back Hopping drills – Lateral shuffle for power, power hops Strength: 5×5 Back Squat 3×10 Each rear foot elevated Squat 3×10-15 Hip Thruster 3×10 each SingleContinueContinue reading “CHOP SHOP Inaugural Workout”

Home Gym Must Haves

What’s up Gaggle? Just received a huge shipment from Hawaii…THE GYM IS HERE. It’s pretty awesome for a little home gym. From $12,000 eccentric-only squat machines to Ab twisting rockers, there is a crap ton of stuff out there that can really clog up space when you’re crunching for space. The must-haves for your homeContinueContinue reading “Home Gym Must Haves”